FMDam Salutes Veterans That Served In Peace Time and War

  As I sit by a campfire remembering my relatives that have served, some as POW’s who escaped and were presumed dead, I reflect on the sacrifices they made that made “today”…possible. After reading an email response from Craig O. Evans (Chief, Plan Formulation Section US Army Corps of Engineers St. Paul District) words in […]

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Richland and Wilkin Counties Unanimously Form JPA

Fargo, Cass County and the USACE may have overplayed their misinform, divide and conquer hand. The USACE, Cass County and Fargo will need to come to the table with previously excluded opponents and provide answers to defiencies and impacts evident in the current FEIS. A tough pill to swallow for those that have routinely marginalized opponents with denigrating disregard: “They had no place there. Why would diversion supporters who are trying to get the project funded invite project foes whose goal is to scuttle the project? They were not invited for good cause.”

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The Black Cloud, Fargo Moorhead Dam and Diversion

Labeling and profiling is the easy way for media to sway public sentiment. Despite the financial falterings the Fargo Moorhead Dam and Diversion “is” and “will continue to” experience, the uneducated belief that a Dam and Diversion is the “only solution” for Fargo Moorhead underscores how little proponents have read the FEIS and really how […]

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Crack in the FM Diversion: Will it Break Under Pressure

Take any single aspect of the Fargo Moorhead Dam and Diversion, scrutinize the data and the findings don’t pan out. When one considers the lack of a real 500 year flood threat versus the impacts and benefit to cost ratios the entire document that the proposed Fargo Moorhead Dam and Diversion is being based upon, […]

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