Cronyism or Just Plain Cuckoo?

When people, such as Darrell Vanyo, become drunk with their power – they begin to believe they are un-accountable to the people, yet profess they are serving the people by providing preferential treatment to one set of people over another. The mere fact that these imbeciles attempt to justify the rightness of their cause is based in the numbers they represent is a fundamental character flaw.

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Dark Art of Conjuring, Aquaphobia and Other Useless Lies

One cannot persist with these lies about farmland tiling increasing water and then turn around and claim that if these farmers held onto “their water” that retention wouldn’t work. If it is frozen, then the farmer is not to blame for natural run-off…, yet if the ground is not frozen the drains, ditches, coulees cannot carry the water any faster than gravity will allow.

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